Considering it was released during the same era when the Ohio Players were releasing albums with artwork far more “offensive” than flat chested hippy chicks. I have to say I’m pretty surprised this cover would be banned at all.

What do naked women even have to do with “Electric Ladyland” anyway? Who knows, at least Jimi gave it a shot. If you’re gonna have bare breasted woman on your album cover, make it worth it. The only thing wrong with the original cover is there isn’t one set of cans bigger than a 32A. This is just one of many covers that got the shaft because of a little nudity, although the trippy image of Jimi on the substitute cover is pretty cool itself. Jimi might have got away with this if the women kept their clothes on but had their necks and wrists slit instead, but that isn’t my image of ladyland. There are dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of tribute videos at. It was the final Experience album, and to say that it inspires legions of guitar players to this day is an understatement. It was unacceptable even in the late 60s when these conservative nuts were tripping on LSD and passing out free love like it was a complimentary gift on a TV infomercial. The ‘Axis’ cover Hendrix felt was disrespectful. Hendrix, for his part, claimed he hadn’t been informed about Track’s plans for the album cover. Electric Ladyland hit 1 on the Billboard album chart on November 16, 1968, interrupting the run of Cheap Thrills by Big Brother and the Holding Company. A black man releasing an album covered with topless women, well you just knew this one wouldn’t fly.